Nov 10, 2023

You decide to take a nice evening drive, but when you switch on the headlights, they start flickering. That’s one of several signs that can show up when you need new headlights from your Ford dealer. Let’s talk about the signs in depth and see how frequently you should be getting your headlights replaced in general.

After five or six years, your car’s headlights aren’t going to be able to generate as much light as they did when they were new. So, although they may last a few years longer, they should generally be replaced before they’re six years old.

Of course, there’s no hard and fast rule about how often every single driver is going to need to replace their headlights. If you use your headlights often, then yours may last longer than average and may work very well for more than five or six years. We recommend always monitoring how bright they are so you’ll notice when they start to get dimmer. Once they start dimming, it’s time to replace them.

When You Should Visit the Ford Dealer to Get Your Headlights Replaced

When One Stops Working

The bulbs in your headlights might not die out at the exact same time. However, both headlights need to be replaced at once. So, if one of the bulbs no longer works, then you’ll need to go and get both of them replaced.

When They Start Flickering

If your headlights flicker even for a moment, then don’t delay in getting to the dealer. Some headlights will flicker for a while before they die out, but with others, you’ll notice them flickering once, and then they won’t turn on the next time you try to activate them.

When Your Headlights Start Dimming

As we said earlier, your headlights will start dimming after about five or six years. They’ll probably start dimming sooner if you drive in low-visibility conditions a lot. You may be able to drive with headlights that are slightly dimmer than they used to be, but you shouldn’t. They’ll get even dimmer as time goes on and should be replaced before the dimming becomes very significant.

When They Get Hazy

Headlights should sometimes be replaced when they get hazy. However, not all haziness is caused by your headlights dying. Sometimes hazy because the headlight casing has been damaged by UV light or has become clouded by dirt and debris. Visit the dealer so they can either deep clean the headlight casing or change the bulbs for you, depending on what the problem is.

Come to Crown Ford if you’re having issues with your headlights. We’ll check all your exterior lights for you during routine service also, so make sure you stop by regularly for preventative maintenance and checkups.